Meditation Monday: All Things Work Together for Good

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”Romans‬ ‭8:28‬ ‭‬‬

Father God, your truth and your promises are like medicine to a wearisome soul. No other can make such bold statements and fulfill them – but YOU can and YOU do! 

Thank you for allowing me to be a child in your Kingdom; one whom you comfort in sadness, strengthen in trials and provide hope to for the future. 

Help me to see the good in all seasons of life. You never waste a moment or an opportunity to draw us nearer to you or to use us to further your kingdom.  Give me the wisdom to seize these moments wholeheartedly even when my heart is unyielding. 

Give me an obedient heart that endures and a steadfast spirit that surrenders to you daily.

I need you every minute. To guide me. To teach me. To lead me. I want to be called according to your purpose and I am humbled that you would even consider me. 

Please go before me this week and help me to meditate on this promise.

I pray in Jesus’ name – Amen.


(Meditation Monday: These scriptures and prayers are intended to give you encouragement for the day and week. The Lord tells us to meditate in His word day and night (Joshua 1:8) so read the scripture, pray the prayer and meditate as you wait for Him to speak to you.)

Thank you for visiting, God bless. 

Anita Marie

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